Hot n ' Sour Noodles With Homemade Tofu

Hot n ' Sour Noodles With Homemade Tofu
Recipe Sumaira Kanwal Naqvi
Kolsan Noodles 1 packet
Chicken chunks 7...
Carrot peas mix 1 cup
Capsicum 1
Olives 5
Homemade tofu 200g cut in cubes
Spring onion 1 bunch
Onion 1 medium
Garlic 3 garlic cloves
Kolsan hotnsour packet sachet 1
Soya sauce 2 tbsp
Rice vinegar 1 tbsp
Sirracha sauce 2 tbsp
Sesame oil 3 tbsp
Olive oil 3 tbsp
Method : Heated oil then fry tofu cubes till golden and set aside.
In a pan add 3 tbsp olive oil and sesame oil 3 tbsp tben add onion and garlic and saute for 1 minute thdn add chicken chunks, and cook then add mix vegetables and cook add capsicum shimla mirch and cook then add kolsan masala sachet a d add 1 cup water and cook. Add soya sauce , sirracha sauce , rice vinager and chicken powder. Then add cornflour to ghick the gravy. Add tofu , kolsan noodles and spring onion hara piyaz. Serve hot
